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Details for Unikurd Chimen

Unikurd Chimen (KChimen.ttf)
Source: Free download from Kurditgroup. Click on the page numbers at the bottom of the screen if the font you want isn't on the first page.
Stats: Version 1.00 has 339 glyphs and 533 kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Kurdish, Persian), Latin
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic
Kurdish [ show all fonts ]

Note: Excludes Kurdish characters U+0692, U+0694, U+06B6, U+06B7, & U+06CA.
Note: Uses Persian style digits for Arabic-Indic digits (U+0660 - U+0669) and has incongruent or incomplete coverage of Eastern Arabic-Indic digits (U+06F0 - U+06F9)


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