WAZU JAPAN's Gallery of Unicode Fonts

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Chinese languages/dialects are written using Han Ideographs. In the 1950s China began reforming the Chinese writing system in an attempt to simplify it. The reformed variety of writing is called "jiantizi" (简体字), which means "simple writing". This simplified writing is used in Singapore and most of China. Traditional writing is used elsewhere.

Font Samples

font sample * font information
Sample of Adobe Song Std L at 26pt Adobe Song Std L    [ show all samples ]  (AdobeSongStd-Light.otf from running alf_chs.exe)
Source: Free download from Adobe Reader 7.0 font packs. The fonts aren't automatically installed in Windows' "Fonts" folder but can probably be found in the "Resource\CIDFont" subdirectory of whichever directory Adobe Reader 7.0 was installed in (for example C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0).
Stats: Version 1.002 ... has 29,064 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs including Extension A, Bopomofo included extensions), Cyrillic (Russian and other Slavic languages except Ukrainian, expanded spacing), Greek (expanded spacing), Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic, Greek, Han Ideographic, Kana, Latin
Sample of AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni and AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni MBE at 24pt AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni and AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni MBE    [ show all samples ]  (uming.ttf from ttf-arphic-uming_0.0.date-x.tar.gz and umingmbe.ttf from ttf-arphic-uming-mbe_0.0.date-x.tar.gz)
Note: The "MBE" version of this font uses glyphs for Modern Bopomofo Extensions (developed by Mr. Yang Qing-Chu) instead of the Bopomofo Extended glyphs shown in the Unicode Standard. The MBE variants are considered easier to read and write.
Source: Free download from debian.linux.org.tw.
Stats: Version 1.000 has 18,509 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs including Extension A, Bopomofo including Extended), Cyrillic (Russian plus some additional letters, expanded spacing), Greek, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Default, Han Ideographic, Latin
Sample of HAN NOM A & HAN NOM B at 26pt HAN NOM A & HAN NOM B    [ show all samples ]  (HAN NOM A.ttf and HAN NOM B.ttf from hannomH.zip)
Source: Free download from the VietUnicode Project.
Stats: Version 2.0 2005 has 79,322 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs including Extension A and Bopomofo in HAN NOM A; Extension B in HAN NOM B), Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
Sample of HanWang FangSongMedium-Gb5 at 26pt HanWang FangSongMedium-Gb5    [ show all samples ]  (wts47.ttf)
Source: Free download from the Xinzhu County website.
Stats: Version 1.3 has 14,148 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Greek, Latin
Sample of HanWang KaiBold-Gb5 at 26pt HanWang KaiBold-Gb5    [ show all samples ]  (wts11.ttf)
Source: Free download from the Xinzhu County website.
Stats: Version 1.3 has 14,148 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Greek, Latin
Sample of HanWang SinSongThin-Gb5 at 26pt HanWang SinSongThin-Gb5    [ show all samples ]  (wts55.ttf)
Source: Free download from the Xinzhu County website.
Stats: Version 1.3 has 14,148 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Greek, Latin
Sample of HanWang WeiBeiMedium-Gb5 at 26pt HanWang WeiBeiMedium-Gb5    [ show all samples ]  (wts43.ttf)
Source: Free download from the Xinzhu County website.
Stats: Version 1.3 has 14,148 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Greek, Latin
Sample of HuaTianKaiTi at 26pt HuaTianKaiTi    [ show all samples ]  (htkt2.ttf)
Source: Free download of Huation fonts from Hunan Huatian Information Industry Co., Ltd.
Stats: Version 1.0 has 8,579 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
Sample of HuaTianSongTi at 26pt HuaTianSongTi    [ show all samples ]  (htst3.ttf)
Source: Free download of Huation fonts from Hunan Huatian Information Industry Co., Ltd.
Stats: Version 1.0 has 12,648 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
Sample of KaiTi_GB2312 at 26pt KaiTi_GB2312    [ show all samples ]  (simkai.ttf from simkai.zip)
Source: Free download from HappyChina.
Stats: Version 2.00 has 7,580 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
OpenType Layout Tables: Han Ideographic (default, Chinese)
Sample of KEY GB Mingti at 26pt KEY GB Mingti    [ show all samples ]  (gbmt.ttf)
Source: Included with installation of the free 30-day trial of Chinese KEY shareware from Asia Communications Quebec Inc. (Click on "Downloads" on the left margin.) Note that the "ZZZ Mingti SBCS" font is different to the KEY GB Mingti font and is unusable outside KEY software.
Stats: Version 1.10 has 27,366 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Latin
Sample of MS Hei at 26pt MS Hei    [ show all samples ]  (mshei.ttf)
Source: Part of the free "Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack" from Microsoft. Easiest way to find the download is to search Microsoft's site for ie_zht.exe.
Stats: Version 1.00 has 26,272 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian) (expanded spacing), Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
Sample of MS Song at 26pt MS Song    [ show all samples ]  (mssong.ttf)
Source: Part of the free "Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack" from Microsoft. Easiest way to find the download is to search Microsoft's site for ie_zht.exe.
Stats: Version 1.00 has 26,304 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian) (expanded spacing), Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
Sample of SimHei at 26pt SimHei    [ show all samples ]  (simhei.ttf)
Source: Comes with Microsoft's Windows XP and Windows 2000.
Stats: Version 3.02 has 22,021 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian, expanded spacing), Greek, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
OpenType Layout Tables: Han Ideographic (default, Chinese)
Sample of SimSun and NSimSun at 26pt SimSun and NSimSun    [ show all samples ]  (simsun.ttc)
Source: Comes with Microsoft's Windows XP, Office 2000, and FrontPage 2000.
Stats: Version 3.03 has 22,141 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian, expanded spacing), Greek (expanded spacing), Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
OpenType Layout Tables: Han Ideographic (default, Chinese)
Sample of SimSun-18030 and NSimSun-18030 at 26pt SimSun-18030 and NSimSun-18030    [ show all samples ]  (SimSun18030.ttc from gbextsup.msi)
Note: The Chinese range of this font is visually identical to "SimSun".
Source: Part of the free GB18030 Support Package
Stats: Version 2.06 (1.00 for the individual fonts) has 30,891 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs including Extension A, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian, expanded spacing), Greek (including polytonic, expanded spacing), Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Yi (expanded spacing)
OpenType Layout Tables: Han Ideographic (Chinese)
Sample of STSong Std Acro Light at 26pt STSong Std Acro Light    [ show all samples ]  (STSongStd-Light-Acro)
Source: Free download from Adobe Reader 6.0 font packs.
Stats: Version OTF 1.005 has 29,064 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs including Extension A, Bopomofo including Extended), Cyrillic (Russian, expanded spacing), Greek, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
Sample of TSC JSong S TT at 26pt TSC JSong S TT    [ show all samples ]  (cjsongeb.ttf)
Note: May require a reboot before the font is usable.
Source: Available via FTP from cle.linux.org.tw.
Stats: Version 2.10 has 8,160 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian, expanded spacing), Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin
Sample of UWPSTJ (GB) at 26pt UWPSTJ (GB)    [ show all samples ]  (UWPSTJ.ttf)
Source: Included with installation of the free trial version of AsianSuite X2/2000/97 from UnionWay.
Stats: Version 1.00 has 7,895 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Jiantizi/Simplified Han Ideographs, Bopomofo), Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin

Additional Information About These Font Samples

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This page was last updated on 2006-02-21