WAZU JAPAN's Gallery of Unicode Fonts

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The Cyrillic alphabet has traditionally been used to write Slavic languages (Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Ukrainian). The fonts shown on this page support Russian and, if noted, other Slavic languages.

The alphabet has also been extended to support dozens of other, non-Slavic languages. See my "Beyond Slavic" Cyrillic fonts page instead of this one if you're looking for a font that supports non-Slavic as well as Slavic languages. See my OCS Cyrillic fonts page if you're looking for a font that supports Old Church Slavonic.

Most fonts that are primarily for Chinese, Japanese, or Korean have been omitted from these samples for brevity.

Font Samples (page 1 of 4)

font sample * font information
Sample of Aboriginal Serif at 20pt Aboriginal Serif    [ show all samples ]  (abserif4_5.ttf from abserif.zip)
Note: Extensive coverage of Latin & Cyrillic characters with diacritics as well as Canadian Syllabic characters that were omitted from the Unicode Standard (encoded in the private use area).
Source: Free download from LanguageGeek.com
Stats: Version 1.000 2004 initial release has 4,998 glyphs and 3 kerning pairs
Support: Canadian Syllabics (all syllabaries, all characters), Cherokee, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Latin
Sample of Albany at 22pt Albany    [ show all samples ]  (albanyc.ttf, albanybc.ttf, albanyic.ttf, and albanyzc.ttf)
Source: Supplied with StarOffice 7.0, which is free for education and research purposes.
Stats: Version 1.00 has 664 glyphs and 908 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of ALPHABETUM Unicode at 18pt ALPHABETUM Unicode    [ show all samples ]  (ALPHABETUM v.9.00.ttf)
Note: Excellent font for linguistics and ancient languages.
PLEASE volunteer to translate the home page of the Four Essential Travel Phrases for David McCreedy.
Source: Shareware ($15) from Juan José Marcos.
Stats: Version 9.0 Feb 2007 has 5,515 glyphs and 220 kerning pairs
Support: Coptic, Cypriot Syllabary, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Gothic, Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Glagolitic, Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Linear B (ideograms and syllabary), Ogham, Old Italic, Old Persian cuneiform, Phoenician, Runic, Ugaritic, Private Use Area (Iberic & Celtiberic, additional Old Italic glyphs, Old & Medieval Latin)
Sample of Amerika at 20pt Amerika    [ show all samples ]  (amerika_.ttf from amerika_tt.zip)
Note: This is an Armenian look-alike font.
Source: Free download of pack 0116 from an Apostrophe archive site.
Stats: Version 1.0 2001 has 498 glyphs and 1,123 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Andale Mono at 22pt Andale Mono    [ show all samples ]  (andalemo.ttf)
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products. Also available from the Smart package of Microsoft's core fonts project.
Stats: Version 2.00 has 659 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Andale Sans at 22pt Andale Sans    [ show all samples ]  (ans_____.ttf, ansb____.ttf, ansi____.ttf, and ansbi___.ttf)
Source: Supplied with StarOffice 7.0, which is free for education and research purposes.
Stats: Version 3.00 - 1999 has 664 glyphs and 162 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Andale Sans UI at 22pt Andale Sans UI    [ show all samples ]  (soui.ttf)
Source: Supplied with StarOffice 7.0, which is free for education and research purposes.
Stats: Version 1.10 has 668 glyphs and 3,400 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of ArbatDi at 18pt ArbatDi    [ show all samples ]  (Arbat.ttf)
Note: Also has Cyrillic characters mapped to Latin Supplement and Latin Extended codepoints.
Source: Free download from the (slow) ROOH website.
Note: Most of the other fonts on this site either have no Latin font name or do not contain Cyrillic Unicode characters.
Stats: Version v30.01.97 has 312 glyphs and 48 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Latin
Sample of Arial at 20pt Arial    [ show all samples ]  (arial.ttf, arialbd.ttf, arialbi.ttf and ariali.ttf)
Source: Supplied with the Windows XP SP2 (service pack 2) update. Older versions were supplied with various Microsoft products and the Smart package of Microsoft's core fonts project.
Stats: Version 3.00 has 1,674 glyphs and 909 kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Ajami, Azeri, Balochi, Berber, Brahui, Kazakh, Kirghiz Kurdish, Lahnda, Jawi, Pashto, Persian, Shahmukhi, Sindhi, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek), Cyrillic (Russian plus other Slavic and non-Slavic languages), Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Vietnamese.
Warning: Versions prior to 3.00 supported only the Arabic letters used for Arabic and Persian languages.
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic (default, MAR)
Sample of Arial Black at 18pt Arial Black    [ show all samples ]  (ariblk.ttf)
Note: A earlier version of this font is supplied with StarOffice 7.0.
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products. Also available from the Smart package of Microsoft's core fonts project.
Stats: Version 2.35 has 669 glyphs and 496 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Arial Narrow at 22pt Arial Narrow    [ show all samples ]  (arialn.ttf, arialnb.ttf, arialni.ttf, and arialnbi.ttf)
Note: A earlier version of this font is supplied with StarOffice 7.0.
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products. Also available at ftp://ftp.carrier.kiev.ua/pub/windows/fonts/unicode/.
Stats: Version 2.35 has 658 glyphs and 210 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Arial Unicode MS at 20pt Arial Unicode MS    [ show all samples ]  (arialuni.ttf)
Source: Comes with Microsoft's Office 2000, FrontPage 2000, Office XP and Publisher 2002.
Stats: Version 1.00 has 50,377 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Balochi, Persian, Shahmukhi, Urdu), Armenian, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Devanagari, Georgian (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Gurmukhi, Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji/Han Ideographs), Kannada, Korean (Hangul only), Latin, Tamil, Thai, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic (default, Farsi, Urdu), Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Han Ideographic (default, Japanese, Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional), Kana (default, Japanese), Kannada, Korean, Tamil
Sample of Athena Unicode at 22pt Athena Unicode    [ show all samples ]  (athena_u.TTF)
Source: Free download from the University College London.
Stats: Version 1.00 15-11-97 has 849 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian and other Slavic languages), Greek (including polytonic), Latin
Sample of Bitstream Cyberbase at 20pt Bitstream Cyberbase    [ show all samples ]  (Cyberbas.ttf from Cyberbase.zip)
Note: This is a subset of Cyberbit. It omits the Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters.
Source: Free download available from this FTP site.
Stats: Version beta 1.0 has 1,249 glyphs and 935 kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic only), Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic (default, Arabic)
Sample of Bitstream Cyberbit at 20pt Bitstream Cyberbit    [ show all samples ]  (Cyberbit.ttf from Cyberbit.zip)
Source: Free download available from this FTP site.
Stats: Version beta 2.0 has 29,934 glyphs and 935 kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic only), Chinese (Bopomofo only), Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Hebrew, Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji/Han Ideographs), Korean (Hangul only), Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic (default, Arabic)
Sample of Book Antiqua at 20pt Book Antiqua    [ show all samples ]  (bkant.ttf, antquab.ttf, antquai.ttf, and antquabi.ttf)
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products.
Stats: Version 2.35 has 669 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Bookman Old Style at 20pt Bookman Old Style    [ show all samples ]  (bookos.ttf, bookosb.ttf, bookosi.ttf, bookosbi.ttf)
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products. Also available at ftp://ftp.carrier.kiev.ua/pub/windows/fonts/unicode/.
Stats: Version 2.35 has 669 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of BPG Courier New at 24pt BPG Courier New    [ show all samples ]  (BPG_Courier_V2.ttf)
A detailed description of this font is also available.
Source: Free download from the bpgfonts file area.
Stats: Version 2.76 has 767 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Georgian (Mkhedruli), Latin
Sample of BPG Glaho Arial V5 Big at 22pt BPG Glaho Arial V5 Big    [ show all samples ]  (BPG_Glaho_Arial_V5_big.ttf)
Note: There is also a BPG-specific font called "Arial Unicode MS" (BPG_Glaho_Arial_Unicode_MS_V5.ttf) with similar Unicode range support as BPG Glaho Arial V5 Big.
Source: Free download from either the shavlego file area or the bpgfonts file area.
Stats: Version 3.00 has 1,757 glyphs and 1,172 kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Ajami, Azeri, Balochi, Berber, Brahui, Kashmiri, Kazakh, Kirghiz Kurdish, Lahnda, Jawi, Pashto, Persian, Shahmukhi, Sindhi, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek), Cyrillic (Russian plus other Slavic and non-Slavic languages), Georgian (Mkhedruli), Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic (...), Latin
Sample of Century at 20pt Century    [ show all samples ]  (century.ttf)
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products.
Stats: Version 1.20 has 670 glyphs and 195 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Century Gothic at 20pt Century Gothic    [ show all samples ]  (gothic.ttf, gothicb.ttf, gothici.ttf, gothicbi.ttf)
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products.
Stats: Version 2.35 has 666 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Century Schoolbook at 18pt Century Schoolbook    [ show all samples ]  (censcbk.ttf, schlbkb.ttf, schlbki.ttf, schlbkbi.ttf)
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products.
Stats: Version 2.35 has 669 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of CERG Chinese Font at 20pt CERG Chinese Font    [ show all samples ]  (cerg_chi.ttf from cerg_chi.zip)
Note: Also has significant coverage of mathematical characters.
Source: Free download from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council.
Stats: Version 3.01 has 36,701 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Chinese (Fantizi/Traditional Han Ideographs including Extension A), Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek, Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Han Ideographic (default, Chinese/ZHT)
Sample of Chandas at 18pt Chandas    [ show all samples ]  (Chandas.ttf)
Note: Designed for Classical Sanskrit & Vedic (with accents). This font supports thousands of ligatures and is also usable for modern languages written with Devanagari.
Style: Chandas uses the Calcutta/Kolkata style of Devanagari script while its sister font Uttara uses the Bombay/Mumbai style (although it's not evident with the characters used as the sample text).
Source: Free download from Chandas.
Stats: Version 1.2 has 5,002 glyphs and 1,597 kerning pairs
Support: Devanagari, Cyrillic (Russian and other Slavic languages), Latin (with extensive coverage of letters with diacritics)
OpenType Layout Tables: Devanagari, Latin
Sample of Charis SIL at 20pt Charis SIL    [ show all samples ]  (CharisSILR.ttf [regular], CharisSILB.ttf [bold], CharisSILI.ttf [italic], and CharisSILBI.ttf [bold italic] from CharisSILversion.zip)
Note: Extensive coverage of Latin characters, phonetic extensions, and diacritics.
Source: Free download from Charis SIL Font's Home.
Stats: Version 4.002 has 3,084 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic, Latin (Default, IPA, Romanian, Vietnamese, dflt)
Sample of Chrysanthi Unicode (Chryſanþi Unicode) at 22pt Chrysanthi Unicode (Chryſanþi Unicode)    [ show all samples ]  (chrysuni.ttf)
PLEASE volunteer to translate the home page of the Four Essential Travel Phrases for David McCreedy.
Source: Free download from EveryWitchWay's Chrysanthi Unicode page.
Stats: Version 3.1 has 4,383 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Armenian, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic), Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Runic, Vietnamese
Sample of Code2000 at 22pt Code2000    [ show all samples ]  (code2000.ttf)
Source: Download this shareware font ($5) from James Kass's webpage.
Stats: Version 1.16 has 61,864 glyphs and 239 kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Baluchi, Kirghiz, Persian, Shahmukhi, Sindhi, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek), Armenian, Bengali, Braille, Canadian Syllabics (all syllabaries, all characters), Cherokee, Chinese (Bopomofo only, including Extended), Cirth, Coptic, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Devanagari, Ethiopic (including supplement and extended blocks), Ewellic, Georgian (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji/Han Ideographs including Extension A), Klingon, Korean (Hangul only), Lao, Latin, Limbu, Mongolian, N'Ko, Ogham, Phaistos, Runic, Syriac, Tamil, Telugu, Tengwar, Thaana, Thai, Tifinagh, Vietnamese, Yi
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Buhid, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Han Ideographic, Hangul, Hangul Jamo, Hebrew, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Latin, Malayalam, Mongolian, Myanmar, N'Ko, Tamil, Telugu, Thai
Sample of Comic Sans MS at 22pt Comic Sans MS    [ show all samples ]  (comic.ttf and comicbd.ttf)
Source: Supplied with the Windows XP SP2 (service pack 2) update. Older versions were supplied with various Microsoft products and the Smart package of Microsoft's core fonts project.
Stats: Version 2.20 has 574 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian), Greek, Latin
Sample of Courier New at 24pt Courier New    [ show all samples ]  (cour.ttf, courbd.ttf, courbi.ttf and couri.ttf)
Source: Supplied with various Microsoft products.
Stats: Version 2.90 has 1,318 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Persian), Cyrillic (Russian plus other Slavic and non-Slavic languages), Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic
Sample of Cumberland at 24pt Cumberland    [ show all samples ]  (cumbc.ttf, cumbbc.ttf, cumbic.ttf, and cumbbic.ttf)
Source: Supplied with StarOffice 7.0, which is free for education and research purposes.
Stats: Version 1.01 has 667 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian and other Slavic languages), Greek, Latin

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This page was last updated on 2006-05-26