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Details for Linux Libertine

Linux Libertine (LinLibertine...ttf [regular, bold, italic, bold italic, and underlined] from LinLibertine....tgz)
Source: Free download from the Linux Libertine Open Fonts project.
Be sure to keep the ".tgz" file extension when downloading the archive. You can use WinZIP or similar tools to decompress and extract the font files.
Stats: Version 2.0.9 has 1,492 glyphs and 259 kerning pairs
Support: Cyrillic (Russian plus some additional letters), Greek, Latin, Vietnamese
OpenType Layout Tables: default, Cyrillic, Greek, Latin
Cyrillic (Beyond Slavic) [ show all fonts ]


Cyrillic (Slavic) [ show all fonts ]


Greek [ show all fonts ]


Polytonic Greek [ show all fonts ]


Vietnamese [ show all fonts ]


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